Showcase – Dancy Hoppity-Skippity-Spin

I would describe this album Dancy Hoppity Skippity Spin as very happy and fun music to dance to, which is why I chose a title to reflect this. For me musical interpretation is ‘all’ and so when compiling ideas and then composing music to match those ideas, I try to find a different and interesting way of presenting them, using unusual forms of instrumentation to enhance the chosen topics which in turn helps children to identify and interpret dance with original expression.

I also find that experimenting with folk tunes and rhymes, both familiar and new, add a different slant. Its always fun devising a new cd for children, always different, but involves a lot of thought and research. However, this one has been worth all the hours of preparation!

This album is available to order here on CD or as mp3 download.