


A CD which offers 11 Modern Lyrical, Jazz and Contemporary contrasting works. Lengths varying between 1’30 & 3’00 minutes.

Six pieces are original compositions and all items are fully backed and are suitable
for Festivals, Shows and in the Studio.


  1. 2/4:6/8 JET STAR“Jazzy” with strong centre [2.53]
  2. 6/8 REVERIELyrical [2.00]
  3. 3/4 SPIRIT OF DANCEContemporary & “movy” [1:18]
  4. 3/4 ONCE UPON A DECEMBERLyrical and modern [2.22]
  5. 4/8 CONTRASTSDescriptive contemporary [1:50]
  6. 4/4 THE JUNGLE EXPERIENCECreative jazz [2.50]
  1. 4/4 SHADOWS Lyrical [1:44]]
  2. 4/4 TO LOVE YOU MOREModern/Lyrical {2:28}
  3. 4/4 OCEAN DEEP Modern [2:20]
  4. 6/8 PIANO SHADESLyrical [1:54] piano only
  5. 2/4:4/4 RUSSIAN BELLE1:26 Fast Modern